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Dynamic Solution Innovators Ltd is an international software company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. They have been successfully providing software services since 2001 in both the local and global market.

Interview Stages

DSI takes a on campus written test first. The questions contain some coding problem, Database, writting sql, OOP etc The second stage is face to face interview


There is an array initially containing n numbers. then each of the numbers of the array is multiplied by 2. Now the array is 2 * n size and each element of the array gets shuffled. You are given the shuffled array of size 2 * n. You have to restore the original array.
bool restoreDouble(vector<int> input,vector<int>& output){
    int n = input.size();
    map<int,int> marked;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        if( marked[ input[i] ] == 0 ) {
            output.push_back( input[i] );
            marked[ 2*input[i] ] ++;
            marked[ input[i] ]--;
    for( auto entry:marked ){
        if( entry.second != 0 ) return false;
    return true;
Given n inputs each with n bits. Output a number not given which has n bits too.
What are the 7 layers in OSI networking model?