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WSD or Wall Street Docs is a US based company trying to expand in Bangladesh.


WSD most probably works with java like Therap BD. So their interview questions generally contains topics from Java, Spring Boot and OOP.

Interview Stages

At first apply through their website. Apply to the positions located in bangladesh.
They take their interview in two phases.

  1. First round is task based. An assignment will be sent to your email if resume screening is passed.
  2. Second round is in their Bangladesh office. It is a mix of coding and technical

First Round Questions

Create a java console based movie listing application. Features include authentication (signin, login), adding movies, searching movies etc.

Create a java console based banking application. Features include creating, displaying, searching, updating and deleting an acount, depositing and withdrawing an amount to your account.

Second Round Questions

Describe key features of spring boot.

What is JWT token? What are the parts of a jwt token?

Given a 2D matrix where each row is sorted. Describe how to find an element in the matrix. What is the complexity of such approach?

Given a graph G and two nodes u and v of the graph. Find the lowest common ancestor of u and v.

What are the key points of OOP?

Describe abstract class and interface. What are their similarities and dissimilarities? What are their benefits?

Describe key features of spring boot.

What happens when final keyword is used with variables and classes?

Given a binary search tree, find/ insert an element in the tree

Describe method overloading and method overriding.