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Technologies UsedWeb, Android, iOS


Inverse.Ai specializes in app development that primarily focus on video, audio and image manipulation. Their porfolio contains massive hits apps with more than 15M downloads.

Interview Stages

There are 3 stages for the interview

  1. Primary selection: You can either apply through their website or they can contact you based on your performace in programming contests
  2. Coding round: The coding round is online and typically have 10+ questions with varying difficulties
  3. Technical round: The technical round can be in their office or through online meeting platform based on the scenario.


Inverse AI typicaly hire from competitive programmers. If you have a knack for solving complex problems then they can be a good placement for you.


You are given a positive integer N. Find the number of triples (X,Y,Z) such that:

0 < X,Y,Z < N,
X + Y + Z = N,
X ∣∣ Y ∣∣ Z = N, where ∣∣ represents the bitwise OR operation.

Since the number of triples can be huge, print them modulo 10^9+7.

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You are given an integer n. A game is played on a square field consisting of n × n cells. Initially all cells are empty. On each turn a player chooses and paint an empty cell that has no common sides with previously painted cells. Adjacent corner of painted cells is allowed. On the next turn another player does the same, then the first one and so on. The player with no cells to paint on his turn loses. Output the player who wins

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You are given a chess board of size (2n)(2n), some of the color of the board is flipped and the board is broken down in 4 square piece each with size nn. You can join the 4 pieces in any order without rotating or flipping. As the some of the colors were flipped, so to get a valid chessboard there must need to be some recoloring. Output the minimum number of recoloring such that the 4 pieces can be joined to get a valid chessboard.

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You have a string of N decimal digits.

Now you are given M queries, each of whom is of following two types.

- Type 1: 1 X Y: Replace A[X] by Y.
- Type 2: 2 C D: Print the number of sub-strings divisible by 3 of the string denoted by A[C],A[C+1] ... A[D].

Formally, you have to print the number of pairs (i,j) such that the string A[i],A[i+1]...A[j], (C ≤ i ≤ j ≤ D), when considered as a decimal number, is divisible by 3

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There is a robot in a 4*4 matrix. The robot is initilly in cell (a,b) and wants to go to another cell (c,d). However, the robot doesn't know the exact route and will move to any of its adjacent cell at equal probability. What is the probability that the robot will go from initial cell (a,b) to final cell (c,d) in exactly 4 moves.

There is a robot in a undirected tree. The robot will move from a node to any of its adjacent node with equal probability. What is the expected number of moves required for the robot to go from node a to node b.

You are given an array of integers. You want to make the array non increasing. To do that you can cut out a subsegment of the array to discard and concat the remaining segment(s). What is the minimum length of the cut segment to make the remaining parts nondecreasing.

Example: [9,7,4,3,6,6,2] : we can remove the subsegment containing [4,3] to make the array [9,7,6,6,2] or remove the segment [6,6] to make the array [9,7,4,3,2]. Both of them are non increasing.